

The bigger the company, the bigger the risk of a data breach. Cybersecurity specialists, or information security analysts, are more in demand than ever, considering that hackers keep developing new ways to access sensitive information every day. From companies’ data and airplane systems to smartphones and smart coffee machines, more systems and products are at risk of takeover by cybercriminals here and now. Using proactive multi-layered cyber security protection, a cybersecurity specialist pins down all security risks before hackers do and implements advanced security solutions to save you against cyberattacks and reduce the risk posed by cyber criminals by identifying potential vulnerabilities. If you’re interested in fighting cybercrime, SOAL Technologies can propel your career forward with our insights powered by experience, data, and intelligence.


Our cybersecurity recruiters

Following SOAL Technologies’ three-tiered vetting system, our recruiters sieve through large pools of resumes to shortlist qualified candidates and complete the filtering process so our clients can painlessly add to their workforce to meet their staffing needs. We have spent decades building a leading human network for the digital age, nurturing an ecosystem of highly engaged and cutting-edge talent who can make a real difference in your business. If you are an employer looking for information security analysts to stay vigilant about the security vulnerabilities of your company, SOAL Technologies can be a bridge connecting you with hard-to-reach crackerjack candidates.

We recruit for

  • Director, VP & CISO executive search
  • Application Security Engineer
  • Digital Forensics Engineer
  • Security Analyst
  • Penetration Tester
  • Incident Response (Analyst – Lead)
  • DevSecOps Engineer
  • Cloud Security Engineer