
How to Use Social Media in Your Career and Business

“It’s all about who you know.” This adage predates the Internet, and it often explains why the boss’s cousin was hired or why the CEO’s golf buddy was promoted to vice president. However, statistics show that people value their professional and personal connections as the most effective means of finding work, so this statement holds a lot of truth.

Moving up the career ladder is difficult no matter what you’re doing, but the people you know through your social network can help make it easier. People you know, people they know, and so on are all part of your social network. Everything from retail sales analysis to terrorist activity tracking has made use of social network data.

Making and maintaining connections in a social network is what social networking is all about. It is possible to meet people in person at conferences or through social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. Use your professional and personal connections in order for your resume and your career to rise above those of other applicants.

There are three ways that social networking can benefit your career, listed in no particular order, based on who you know and who you’re connected to on the internet.

In The Age Of The Internet, Online Profiles And Resumes Are A Constant Presence.

A benefit of the Internet is its 24-hour availability. As a result, you have the freedom to list your professional credentials and make them accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time. With the ability to search outside of your social network for information about others, you have a lot more options.

It’s become more common for professionals to advertise their services online since classified ads in newspapers were phased out. As long as the content is well-written, you can do this as well. Your website should have a businesslike domain name and e-mail address, and you should avoid using distracting graphics that detract from the professional appearance of the content. This approach gives you a lot of control, but it also leaves you responsible for promoting the site to your social network.

Keep Your Coworkers Informed Of Any Career Changes That Take Place.

By meeting new people and keeping in touch with them over time, you build your social network. It’s advantageous to have a large social network so that you can keep your coworkers up to date on your professional progress as it happens. People in your network, particularly those in your professional network, can provide timely advice or assistance in finding the resources you require as you spread the word.

There are a variety of ways to keep your social network up to date. Begin by striking up a conversation with a coworker at a break room water cooler or at a business event. Make a few phone calls to people you know and ask for their thoughts on your new job position. Updates to your professional and social networking websites, as well as emails to your contacts, are all forms of online communication that fall under this category. The power of social media can help you get the word out and may even help you land new job opportunities.

Discover New Career Options You Never Considered

When you’re preoccupied with the tasks at hand, it’s easy to miss out on new possibilities that are just around the corner. You can keep up with these opportunities by using your social network. This could mean doing the same job in a new context or taking a completely new path that you hadn’t previously thought about.

Start by keeping tabs on those in your social circle who are on the same or similar career paths to your own in order to make these discoveries. In the case of nurses, look to those who have a background in nursing. If you want to embark on a new path, including a career change, you should seek advice from those who have already done so.


Find out more about the people in your social network who are on the same career path. You can learn a lot about a person by following them around, listening to what they have to say, and seeing what new ideas they have. For example, a former coworker who is starting a new business might benefit from your sales expertise. Then there’s the possibility that you’ll be inspired to combine multiple skills into one career, such as combining music and marketing skills to create catchy commercials.

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