
How to Mentally Prepare For Your Next Meeting

Long, discontinuous meetings are disliked by all. When things go wrong in a meeting, people get irritated because they’re already overworked.

Lack of preparation is a significant factor in the failure of most meetings. Neither the purpose of the meeting nor the anticipated outcome has been considered. Worse, they lack the courage to take charge and prevent other offenders from stealing time.

Don’t let ineffective meetings rob you of your precious time. Instead, use these tactics to ensure that you and your colleagues get the most out of meetings, no matter how many people are there.

There are a few ways to do this:

1. Research the Attendees

There is no excuse for not knowing the folks you’re meeting in today’s world. Even if it’s just one person at the table, it’s important to know who everyone else is. Please go through the names on your guest list and search for them online. Look at their Linkedin or Facebook profile to get a sense of who they are and what they have to say. In addition to saving time on introductions, taking the time 0upfront will provide you with valuable information should a conflict arise.

2. Decide On Specific Goals

It is common for meetings to go on for hours because people wait until the last minute to figure out what they want to accomplish. The results can be driven to match your demands, even if you are the only one who knows precisely what you want to achieve. That leaves the others with the burden of justifying their presence.

3. Plan an Agenda Suggestions

When Patrick Lencioni wrote his book Death by Meeting, he recommended keeping the plan open until after the meeting had begun. Not that you should ignore how it appears altogether until the very last moment. Share your desired schedule at the outset of the meeting. Then, you can count on the general public to either accept your proposal as-is or, at the very least, voice any adjustments they deem essential.

4. Think of Any Possible Roadblocks

It’s better to be ready for the drama than to sit back and wait for it to happen. What conflicts are worth fighting, and what ones are worth giving up? Keeping your cool and moving toward resolution will be much easier if you have psychologically prepared for the argument, and emotions inevitably arise.

5. Get Rid Of Any Obstacles in Your Path

You don’t have to wait for every issue to be addressed in a meeting. You can save time for the attendees by identifying and removing potential problems before the meeting. You may even be able to avoid the meeting entirely if you plan it carefully enough.

6. Decide On What You Want To Achieve

Make sure everyone understands why the meeting is necessary and how it will affect the parties involved. These are strategic goals, not just tactical ones. Without a shared understanding of what’s expected, work will be ineffective and counterproductive.


Before the meeting, set aside some time to follow up on ideas during the discussion. To ensure the success of a meeting, it is crucial to conduct follow-up and follow-through after the meeting concludes. You may redistribute time that is no longer needed if you budget for it.

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